I always believed that Spanish lacked an equivalent term to "in-laws," which refers to all the relatives on one's spouse's side. However, I recently discovered that Spanish speakers use "parientes políticos," which translates to "political relatives," to convey the same meaning. I found this term quite endearing.
Here are some common Spanish terms for family members on your spouse's side:
- A father-in-law: un suegro
- A mother-in-law: una suegra
- You can collectively refer to them as "los suegros," for which English doesn't have a single word equivalent. In English, you typically have to say "my spouse's parents" or something similar, making Spanish more concise in this aspect.
- A brother-in-law: un cuñado
- A sister-in-law: una cuñada
- Similarly, your spouse's siblings can be referred to as "los cuñados."
- A son-in-law: un yerno
- A daughter-in-law: una nuera
Check out some sample sentences on tatoeba.org